Rob is serving a two-year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the West Indies. This blog will contain his letters home. He is doing a great work, and would love to hear from you!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Conference Report

Stock photo of a street in Gouyave, Grenada, since there were no photos in Rob's emails this week. He sounds busy and happy, which is just how we like him to be. Here are his notes: "O man, what a great conference we had! You know it's funny, cuz I was having a big issue with an investigator who had been doing research on some Mormon bashing websites. One of her issues was that we shouldn't be pushing people to achieve perfection and how our works won't qualify us for entering the kingdom of God. So that really nailed everything on the head! Quite amazing to see God answer questions like that. It was exactly what I needed to hear in that given moment! Really helped me reaffirm my faith in the heads of the church. Haha. Ya, conference was stellar! Lots of questions answered! It is amazing to hear from everyone and to see what everyone else got out of it. It's like they obviously only speak about one or two things but people get so much out of it. Kind of reminds me of the scriptures, how you can read the same verse over and over again and the get something new out of it. Everything here is pretty much a struggle as far as getting the group to grow, though. Everyone falls through with commitments, butttttt such is life right? Lol. Lately I've been thinking a lot on the Atonement. Kind of cool how conference time seemed to talk a lot about repentance and such. Lately our main focus as missionaries has been to teach repentance because it's the only way people can humble themselves as little children and submit to the will of the Father. Sorry for the late email. We had kind of a busy day. Elder Dancan's birthday was yesterday and one of the members scheduled a suprise bday party for him which we spent most of the day at. But ya, we saw conference in St. Georges. You know its too bad we don't get to hear as much from President Monson because he always has so many powerful things to say. They always make me think and ponder, you know? Things here have been OK just struggling getting investigators to keep commitments. Everyone says they're going to come to church and then they don't show. :P Agency is rough sometimes. Sorry for the short email. Didn't have much time today. I'll send pictures next week. I can't talk a lot today I'm sorry we got to the computer very late but just know I love you guys and am learning a lot out here. Thank you for everything! I feel bad I feel like mom had a lot of inspired questions via snail mail but I can't remember what they are >.< sorry I'll do better next time! Love you guys!

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